Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin

Do we conduct our foreign policy in line with the US or with Putin’s Russia?

Last week’s news that, for the past two years, the Government led by Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius has been covertly negotiating a draft Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration at the United Nations caused quite a stir in Lithuania. The turmoil following the revelation of this fact has not subsided yet. Interestingly, none of the Seimas committees in charge of foreign policy and national security have been informed about the negotiations. The reason behind this was obvious. Both publically and behind closed doors at a meeting of the Seimas Committee on Foreign Affairs, government members failed to provide answers to some of the essential questions: why do we have to approve this questionable agreement and who has decided that Lithuania supports it? […]

Mindaugas Jurkynas

Mindaugas Jurkynas. Not waiting for Godot: Lithuania and Poland tomorrow

Last month, the seventh Lithuanian and Polish policy and foreign affairs expert meeting was held in Birštonas. […]

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Will more bitcoins appear on Lithuanians’ Christmas gift list during “Brexit”?

Emigrants living in the UK heavily influence Lithuania’s annual flow of foreign income. However, in the recent years, remittances from Great Britain have been steadily declining. This is largely influenced by the effects of political processes – over the course of three years, the exchange rate of the pound to euro has appreciably depreciated. Lithuanians must look for ways to protect the money they earned – they are increasingly interested in investment opportunities, including bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies, a press release from Luno states. […]

Roundtable discussion

Lithuania will be a key player in shaping the future of blockchain in Europe and the world

Blockchain will transform digital services and Europe. It is acknowledged that Europe missed out on the Internet, however, the continent is determined not to miss out on the next revolutionary technology – blockchain. The European Union, with its digital Single Market of over 500 million citizens, is well placed to seize an opportunity to become the world leader of blockchain. Since Lithuania is regarded as a centre of excellence in blockchain, it is going to be playing a major role in those efforts. Blockchain Centre Vilnius is invited to shape this future and be a founding member of a new association, which is going to be putting blockchain technology at the heart of Europe’s future. […]

Vytautas Keršanskas

V. Keršanskas. What‘s new on the Russian propaganda front?

In 2016, the Eastern Europe Studies Centre together with scientists from Vilnius University released one of the most detailed studies on Russian disinformation in Lithuania. The following conclusions were among the most important in it. […]

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Foreign affairs

At A. Guoga’s initiative, 27 MEPs urge Amazon Inc. to halt sales of Soviet symbols

At the initiative of MEP Antanas Guoga, 27 MEPs have called on the CEO of Amazon Inc. Jeff Bezos in an open letter, urging to cease sale of goods featuring Soviet symbols on the Amazon online shopping platform. The appeal was signed by MEPs from Lithuania, Poland, the Netherlands, Germany, Croatia, Latvia, the UK, Slovakia, Estonia, Finland, Portugal, Hungary and Spain, who represent the main political groups. […]

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Seimas to decide on writing down emigrants’ tax debts

Lithuania’s parliament will decide whether the state should write down around 100 million euros in compulsory health insurance contributions unpaid by emigrants. If lawmakers back such a proposal, these contributions will no longer be calculated for and recovered from people who left Lithuania. […]

Darius Jauniškis, Modestas Petrauskas
Foreign affairs

Lithuanian army’s elite force commander to be appointed NATO, EU rep

Colonel Modestas Petrauskas, commander of the Lithuanian Special Operations Forces, is set to be appointed Lithuania’s military representative to NATO and the European Union after the parliamentary Committee on National Security and Defense gave the green light to his appointment. […]