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Seimas backs changes to party funding rules, LSDDP to get state subsidy

The Seimas of Lithuania on Thursday adopted amendments to the law on party funding, thus paving the way for the Social Democratic Labor Party of Lithuania (LSDDP), which was established after the last general election, to get a state subsidy. […]

Gintautas Paluckas

Up to 190 LSDP members joined LSDDP – LSDP leader

Up to 190 members of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) have joined the Lithuanian Social Democratic Labor Party (LSDDP), a new party founded by a group of breakaway members of the former party, the LSDP leader said on Friday. […]

Algis Krupavičius

Algis Krupavičius: A reduction in the number of Seimas members – Yes or No?

In the last parliamentary elections, one of the biggest promises of the Farmers and Greens Union was to reduce the number of members in the Seimas. There’s no doubt that at that time, this promise […]

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Heated political autumn forecast

Both the majority and opposition predict that the new political season starting with the autumn session next week will be tense. The atmosphere will be heated not only by various politicians’ agenda questions, but also […]