
Opinion: Peace on paper

The world is still waiting for measures of the Minsk Agreement to be implemented. Ukraine experiences continual military confrontation, and situation in Debaltseve region has also worsened dramatically. According to the recent information thousands of Ukrainian troops could again be trapped in the Debaltseve boiler. The Ukrainian side denies siege possibilities, whereas separatists inform on their achievements in encircling Ukrainian troops. […]

Gediminas Kirkilas
Foreign affairs

Lithuania supports German leadership in resolving conflict in Ukraine, MP tells ambassador

Lithuanian Social Democrat Gediminas Kirkilas, deputy speaker of the Seimas, chair of the Committee on European Affairs, has met with Jutta Schmitz, German ambassador to Lithuania. […]

Vytautas Landsbergis

Vytautas Landsbergis on Minsk agreement: It is worse than Munich

Vytautas Landsbergis, Lithuania’s first post-Soviet leader and honorary chairman of the conservative Homeland Union, says that the Minks agreement for ceasefire between Kiev’s forces and Moscow-supported separatist fighters in eastern Ukraine, which was signed on Thursday, is worse than the Munich agreement of 1938. […]

Vytis Jurkonis

Minsk agreement shows that war buttons are being pushed from Moscow, Lithuanian political analyst says

The Minsk talks, which ended on Thursday in an agreement on ceasefire in eastern Ukraine, have proven that the “war button is pushed” in Moscow, says a lecturer at Vilnius University’s International Relations and Political Science Institute Vytis Jurkonis. He emphasized the importance of putting the agreements into practise, as earlier cases have shown that Russia is less than a trustworthy partner. […]

Vladimiras Putinas, Francois Hollande'as, Angela Merkel, Petro Porošenka

Lithuanian expert: Minsk talks outcome might be bad or very bad

The outcome of the ongoing talks in Minsk might be “bad” or “very bad”, says Laurynas Kasčiūnas, an analyst from the Vilnius-based Eastern Europe Studies Centre, commenting on the talks on the situation in eastern Ukraine that continue in the Belarusian capital of Minsk on Thursday. […]

Dmitrijus Peskovas

Kremlin: No one will talk to Putin in ultimatums

Russian President Vladimir Putin will not be spoken to in the language of ultimatums at talks on the Ukraine crisis, a Russian radio station quoted the Kremlin as saying on Monday. […]