Alexander Lukashenko

Why does Lukashenko speak Belarusian on Independence Day?

Belarus’s Independence Day is celebrated on 3 July. On that day, 70 years ago, Minsk was liberated from the Nazi occupiers. This 3 July, President Vladimir Putin of Russia participated in Minsk’s celebration. Two days prior to that event, during a grand ceremonial meeting devoted to the national holiday, President Alexander Lukashenko delivered part of his speech in Belarusian. […]

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Malaysia Airlines plane crash might prove a turning point in Ukrainian-Russian conflict

Lithuania’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Linas Linkevičius says that the crash of the Malaysia Airlines plane over rebel-controlled eastern Ukraine will be a breaking point in how Western states treat the bloody conflict that has been raging in the country for months. […]

Matteo Renzi
European Union

Italy’s PM Renzi backs EU sanctions against Russia

European Union leaders failed to agree at a summit on Wednesday on sharing out a package of top jobs in the 28-nation bloc, including a new foreign policy chief, and postponed the decision until late August. […]

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Western media’s indifference to Ukraine – dangerous for Lithuania?

Major English-speaking TV channels do not devote enough attention to the events in Ukraine, even though the battles are more blood-stained than in other countries, notes philosopher Gintautas Mažeikis. According to him, it is an important lesson to learn for Lithuania and other Baltic countries: the media can be very ignorant, even though there is a massive war going on with vague Russian attempts to intervene, all resulting in great numbers of victims. People interviewed by believe that such information in the media is essential, as it helps to prepare and organize a collective political pressure, and it is easier for governments to make decisions accordingly. […]


Lithuanian Foreign Ministry issues statement on Ukraine

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania has issued a statement on the situation in Ukraine. The Ministry abhors violence unleashed in the eastern regions of the country and criticizes Russia for failing to de-escalate the situation. Moreover, Lithuania pledges to provide humanitarian aid to the neighbouring country which has been in political upheaval since last December. […]


Russia’s actions in Ukraine: Parallels with other “hot spots” of the former Soviet Union

The conflict in eastern Ukraine has clear parallels with other “hot spots” in the former Soviet Union, where the Kremlin has ambitions. The clearest parallels are with the Transnistrian conflict on the eve of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Unlike the rest of Moldova, ethnic Moldovans in Transnistria constitute just 31.9 percent of the district’s population; the ethnic Russians are 30.4 percent and the ethnic Ukrainians—28.8 percent. […]

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Opinion: Vilnius increases defence spending in face of disappointing responses from Western Europe

The Lithuanian parliament on July 10 adopted budget amendments to increase spending on national defense by 37.6 million euros. The decision, which was predicted by Stratfor, passed with the support of the government and the opposition and was praised by the American Embassy in Lithuania. With this measure, Lithuania will take its military spending closer to 1 percent of gross domestic product – a mark still well below NATO’s official target of 2 percent. […]