Edward Lucas

Lucas warns US senators: Baltic security crisis is “dangerous threat” to NATO alliance

A security crisis in the Baltic states is the biggest threat to NATO, therefore, the Alliance must boost its presence in the region to avoid it and deter Russia, British analyst Edward Lucas warned in a speech to the US Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee. […]

Eduard Shevardnadze

Remembering Georgia’s Shevardnadze

Eduard Shevardnadze, the last foreign minister of the Soviet Union and onetime president of Georgia, died Monday. Shevardnadze had not been active in politics since his ouster as president during the Rose Revolution in 2003. However, his time in politics marks two critical periods of transition in geopolitics and the world: the end of the Cold War and the restart of the U.S.-Russian struggle. […]

Romas Sadauskas-Kvietkevičius

Opinion: Let’s not rush to equate referendum supporters with enemies of state

Since a week ago, welcoming political maturity in our state, I wrote that one of the evidence thereof would become an unsuccessful referendum on the restriction of right to dispose of property and other stupid questions, now I could feel like the Old Testament prophet who sent the knowledge to his people received from the above. Moreover, I do not need to shave the beard which I promised to donate publicly in the social network Facebook in case of referendum success. […]

Ambassador of Italy Stefano Maria Taliani de Marchio
European Union

Italian ambassador: We do not want to make Europe and Russia enemies

On 1 July, Italy begins its Presidency of the EU Council. According to Italy’s Ambassador to Lithuania Stefano Taliani De Marchio, Italy will aim at changing people’s attitude towards the EU and bringing “grey” institutions in Brussels closer to people. […]

Petras Auštrevičius

Auštrevičius: Russia’s gas blackmail is attempt to sabotage EU–Ukraine Association Agreement

Russia’s gas war waged against Ukraine is an additional tool of pressure on the whole European Union, seeking, at the same time, to sabotage the final signing of the EU–Ukraine Association Agreement,” says Petras Auštrevičius, Deputy Speaker of the Seimas and Member of the Liberal Movement Political Group, MP stated in a press release issued by this office. […]

Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius
Foreign affairs

Linkevičius: Russian sanctions still on the table if situation in Ukraine doesn’t improve

The situation in Ukraine requires a serious reaction, Lithuania’s Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius said before the start of the European Union’s Foreign Affairs Council on Monday. […]