Viktoras Pranckietis
Foreign affairs

Seimas speaker meets with US congressmen

Viktoras Pranckietis, the speaker of the Seimas, underlined the importance of maintaining sanctions against Russia as he met with four Republican members of the US Congress on Tuesday. […]


Pavilionis. Pearl Harbor – the USA and Lithuania

Exactly 75 years ago the USA experienced a blow which would change the course of history. Making use of all its capacities the US learned from history and entered the war against a totalitarian regime by… making an alliance with another totalitarian regime. Later followed victory and… Yalta. […]

John Boehner
Foreign affairs

Boehner in Vilnius: US supports Lithuania’s “enduring struggle with some neighbours”

The United States supports Lithuania’s “enduring struggle with some of your neighbours”, Speaker of the US House of Representatives John Boehner said in Vilnius on Monday. […]

Linas Linkevičius

Lithuanian foreign minister: Stationing of US heavy weapons will change situation in region

Following US media reports that the Pentagon may station heavy weapons for its troops in several Eastern European and Baltic countries, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius said on Sunday that these proposals are part of a US Congress-approved program to step up security in Eastern and Central Europe and that such weaponry would substantially change the security situation in Lithuania and throughout the region. […]


Opinion: Lithuania does not invest into its most important ally

A visit several weeks ago by Kurt Volker, former US ambassador to NATO and currently the head of the McCain Institute, would have gone unnoticed by the Lithuanian public, if it weren’t for a few media interviews. And even if it was noticed, many must have thought it of little consequence. […]