
Lithuania to temporarily bring back 9 pct VAT tariff for heating – Minister of Finance

The 9-percent value-added tax (VAT) discount tariff for heating will be reintroduced in Lithuania on a temporary basis between the fall and the end of 2017, Finance Minister Vilius Šapoka said. The discount for 2018 has not yet been specified. […]

Christoph Klingen

Lithuania must reform education system to catch up with Western Europe – IMF

Lithuania’s near-term economic outlook is positive, but there are doubts if the country will manage to catch up with Western Europe in the longer term, the head of the International Monetary Fund‘s mission to Lithuania said Vilnius on Monday, underlining the need for structural reforms and, in the education system, for consolidation of institutions and more flexible programs. […]

Gitanas Nausėda

Nausėda – the plan contains that which has been nurtured for many years now

SEB bank president’s advisor Gitanas Nausėda greatly praised the tax reform plan of Minister of Finance Vilius Šapoka. According to the expert, it is completely logical to primarily fix current issues and only then move […]

the Vilnius Concert and Sports Palace

Signs of corruption found in Vilnius Concert, Sports Palace revamp tender

Acting on a tip-off about possible lack of transparency in the tender for contractor for reconstruction of the Vilnius Concert and Sports Palace, Lithuania’s Property Bank has terminated talks with the winner – the consortium of Irdaiva construction company. Documents available to BNS show that a member of the tender panel was employed both at the Property Bank and the company, which could have influenced the results of the tender. […]

Dainoras Bradauskas

Tax chief probed for possible misconduct

Dainoras Bradauskas, the head of the Lithuanian State Tax Inspectorate, may have committed disciplinary misconduct, the Special Investigation Service (STT) said on 4 January. […]