Vilnius to build 10 new public squares

This year, the Lithuanian capital city’s municipality plans to rework 10 public spaces in Fabijoniškės, Lazdynai, Antakalnis, Šeškinė, Karoliniškės, Pilaitė, Naujamiestis, Naujoji Vilnia, Pašilaičiai and Naujininkai. The ten projects that are to be launched later […]

No Picture

Lithuanian courts dismiss Saudi’s claim to victim status for CIA imprisonment

Lithuania’s law enforcement has no substantial evidence of a Saudi Arabian citizen suspected of organizing the 9/11 terrorist attacks being brought to a secret CIA detention center in Lithuania, a Vilnius court ruled on Tuesday.

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Ben Hodges

US general says NATO must take initiative in Baltic

During a press conference in Vilnius, Ben Hodges, the commanding general of the US Army in Europe, said that the US and other NATO countries were tired of responding to unexpected moves from Russia and that they would have to take the initiative. […]

Astravyets nuclear power plant

Belarus says Lithuania’s stance on nuclear plant is ‘inexplicable’

Belarusian Minister for Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei has claimed that Lithuania’s complaints about the safety of the new nuclear power plant being built in Belarus, just 50km from Lithuania’s capital Vilnius, are inexplicable. […]