World class museum will open In Lithuania

The Lost Shtetl

According to the founder of Šeduva Jewish Memorial Fund Sergey Kanovich, the foundation by mid 2019 will complete and open a world class unique museum of Šeduva Jewish history – “The Lost Shtetl”, situated next to the completelely restored Jewish cemetery.

Story Of Life

Based on history of Šeduva the museum of “The Lost Shtetl” will be telling the story of life of once the largest European Litvak Jewish population living in similar shtetls.

Lifestile, customs, religion, social, professional and family life of šeduva Jews will serve a centerpoint of Museum exhibition. Visitors of Museum will be educated on the tragedy of šeduva Jewish history which in early days of WWII ended in 3 pits nearby shtetl, ending almost 5 centuries of Šeduva Jews.

Planned volume of the Museum is 2,700 square meters.

According to S. Kanovich the team working on Museum exhibition will use the most modern advanced technology. “The Lost Shtetl“ intends also to become a center of education and culture attractive not only to the national but also to international audience.

Visiting the “Lost Shtetl” will be a history lesson which will allow national and international visitors to learn about the lost Litvak shtetl history and culture”, said S. Kanovich.

“The Lost Shtetl” project is unique on a European scale and is already included in the prestigious list of European memorial sites compiled by the Berlin Holocaust Memorial Information Center.

Creators Of Museum – Internationally Acknowledged Professionals

Interior design of “The Lost Shetl“ as well as advisory services will be provided by award winning for the best museums and memorials, New York based “Ralph Appelbaum Associates”. The company portfolio includes beside 700 museums and memorials – Washington Holocaust Museum, Holocaust Museum in Houston, Royal Albert Memorial Museum in London and many others.

The architectural solution of “The Lost Shtetl“ will be created by Finnish company “Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects”. This world renown architectural company is responsible for impressive museums and fair grounds worldwide. Museum of History of Polsih Jews POLIN which was created by “Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects” won “European Museum Award 2016“ .

Leading Partner architect of “Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects” Mr. Rainer Mahlamaki says that his work was inspired by ancient Lithuanian architecture, neighbouring old Jewish cemetery and rural landscape surrounding the site.

“Architekctural drama is expressed with the help of simple forms, light, volume of the buildings and the scenery“, – said dean and professor of Contemporary architecture of Oulu university R. Mahlamaki.

Management of the Museum construction is entrusted to Swiss based company ECAS AG which is a member of Royal International Chartered Suveyors -the leading company in the field of construction professionals and real estate.. RICS are known for high ethics and professional standards worldwide.

The partners of Finnish architects in Lithuania are “Studia2A“ – established in 1994 and lead by Vilnius Art Academy dean of Architecture Jonas Audejaitis. Jonas Audejaitis is also professor of Vilnius Art Academy Kaunas faculty.

Currator of the main exhibition of The Lost Shtetl is Millda Jakulytė who was one of the main authors of famous Lithuanian Holocaust atlas. M. Jakulytė is helped by 12 international consultants from Israel, Germany, US and Poland. Chief Currator of Core Exhibition of POLIN Mrs. Barbara Kirshenvlatt-Gimblette is among the advisors.

Litvaks – Integral Part Of Our History

Litvaks – Jews descending from the territory of former Great Dutchy of Lithuania who spread around the world and enriched history and culture of many countries.

Šeduva Jewish cemetery is the resting place to, among others descendants of Vilna Gaon, famous rabbis and cantors. Great-grandparents of former President of Israel late Chaim Herzog as well as the grandmother of current Prime Minister of the State of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu werre born in Šeduva.

“The Lost Shtetl“ – Museum of šeduva Jewish history – is one of the main elements of the project conducted since 2012 by NGO Seduva Jewish Memorial Fund.

The project consists of an already restored old Seduva Jewish Cemetery, 3 monuments at mass murder sites, monument in the center of the town as well as historical study about Seduva Jews and a documentary “Petrified Time“ directed by Saulius Berzinis.
More information can be found at:

More information:
Director of Šeduva Jewish Memorial Fund Jonas Dovydaitis, tel. +370 698 44091

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