Mažvydas Jastramskis

Jastramskis. Intermediary ELECTIONS awards

The elections have ended and we will continue to analyse the results for the next few days. Much has been said in other formats (most likely more will be), but with this entry I would like to summarise the first round of elections in the format of an awards ceremony. […]

Algirdas Butkevičius, Ramūnas Karbauskis, Gabrielius Landsbergis

ELECTIONS. Crumbling Social Democrat lead. Analysis

With the Seimas election already this weekend, the latest poll data shows that three parties are currently neck and neck in the electoral race. The Social Democrats (LSDP) have managed to maintain a lead, but it is a tenuous one with both the Peasant Greens (LVŽS) and Conservatives (TS-LKD) in close pursuit. While there are a number of coalition variants being discussed, the final outcomes of this election are currently anyone’s guess. […]

Elections debate on LRT

Peasants, conservatives catching up with SocDems in popularity

The ruling Social Democrats continue to top Lithuania’s popularity rankings, but other parties are catching up, according to the latest opinion poll published by the Delfi news website. […]

Voting in the Seimas

The big 3 Parties after the ELECTIONS – scenarios

Politicians are eagerly awaiting the elections and keep repeating that regarding the coalition they will only count their chickens when they hatch. That is not quite reflective of reality. All participants in the political process […]