Benjamin Netanyahu
Foreign affairs

Israeli PM met with protests in Lithuania over Palestine

Several dozen supporters of Palestine staged a demonstration outside the Lithuanian government’s building in central Vilnius on Thursday ahead of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s visit. […]

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13 new refugees resettled in Lithuania

Twelve Syrian refugees and a stateless person from Palestine came to Lithuania from Greece late on Wednesday under the European Union‘s resettlement program, Interior Minister Tomas Žilinskas has confirmed.

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Tel Aviv airport
Foreign affairs

Mother of Lithuanian activist detained in Israel dismisses charges as ‘unfounded’

The mother of Lithuanian citizen Gabrielė Tervidytė who has been detained in Israel as “a threat to national security” for her activities in Palestine, said the allegations were unfounded. […]

Dalia Grybauskaitė, Mahmoud Abbas
Foreign affairs

Could Lithuania mediate in Israeli-Palestinian peace talks?

During a meeting with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė stressed the need for Israelis and Palestinians to go back to peace talks. She also hinted that Lithuania could serve as a broker in the negotiations. However, with Lithuania’s record of supporting Israel and opposing any Palestinian moves to establish themselves in the international community, Vilnius would not be a likely choice for a mediator, a political scientist says. […]

President Grybauskaitė meets with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin
Foreign affairs

President Grybauskaitė: Difficult challenges for Lithuania and Israel

President Dalia Grybauskaitė, who is in Israel on an official visit, met with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin. The meeting – the first between the Lithuanian president and the president of Israel, who was elected last year – focused on the most relevant issues relating to regional security and bilateral cooperation. The Israeli president, who emphasizes his Litvak roots, and Dalia Grybauskaitė also discussed measures to strengthen Israel’s ties with Lithuania, the presidential press service said. […]