Opposition leader Andrius Kubilius is going to Kiev on 24-26 October and MP Mantas Adomėnas is going to stay in Ukraine on 22-28 October to observe the elections at an invitation from the Committee for Open Democracy (COD), the parliament’s Public Relations Division said.
Birutė Vėsaitė, the head of the Seimas delegation at the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly, and her deputy Emanuelis Zingeris will observe the elections as part of the PACE delegation on on 23-27 October and 23-26 October, respectively.
Deputy leader of the Seimas delegation at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Rasa Juknevičienė and a member of the delegation Algis Kašėta will observe the elections on 23-37 October together with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly delegation. Juknevičienė has been appointed to head the observer delegation.
MPs Valentinas Bukauskas and Arminas Lydeka, both members of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Parliamentary Assembly, are going to observe the elections as part of the OSCE PA delegation on 24–27 October.
Other observers include Arvydas Anušauskas and Valdas Vasiliauskas of the parliament’s National Security and Defence Committee, Petras Gražulis of the State Governance and Municipalities Committee, European Affairs Committee member Mečislovas Zaščiurinskas, Kazys Starkevičius of the group for parliamentary relations with Ukraine and Human Rights Committee member Vyrautas Antanas Matulevičius.
The early elections to Ukraine’s Supreme Rada will take place on Sunday.
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