The share of the population in Lithuania that has never used internet was 25 percent in 2014, compared with 54 percent in 2006. 57 percent of Lithuanians used internet daily in 2014, compared with 23 percent in 2006.
In 2014, the share of the population that had no experience of internet use (whether at home, at work or elsewhere) was highest in Romania (39 percent), Bulgaria (37 percent), Greece (33 percent), Italy (32 percent) and Portugal (30 percent). At the opposite end of the scale, less than 10 percent of the population had never used the internet in Denmark (3 percent), Luxembourg (4 percent), the Netherlands (5 percent), Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom (all 6 percent).
The share of daily users among the population ranged in 2014 from 32 percent in Romania to 85 percent or more in Denmark (85 percent) and Luxembourg (87 percent). Compared with 2006, the share of daily internet users has considerably increased in 2014, rising by at least 20 percentage points in all Member States.
8 percent of Lithuanians have used internet storage space to save files, compared to 21 percent EU average. 11 percent of Lithuanians, equal to the EU average, paid for cloud services.
Cloud services were particularly popular for file saving in Denmark (42 percent of individuals), the United Kingdom (38 percent), Luxembourg and Sweden (both 35 percent) and the Netherlands (34 percent).
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