US chocolate maker Mars said on Tuesday it was recalling candy bars and other items in 55 countries in Europe and elsewhere after plastic was found in one of its products. The affected production was traced back to a single Mars factory in the Netherlands.
Mars Lietuva said on Wednesday that the recall concerned only some Snickers chocolate bars made in the Netherlands factory, but two of Lithuania’s biggest supermarket chains, Maxima and Rimi, said on Wednesday it would remove all Mars production from their shelves.
“Until we find out which chocolates are unsafe and how many there are, we have decided to immediately stop selling all chocolates from this supplier,” Maxima LT quality control head Deimantė Mitkuvienė was quoted by 15min.lt.
Rimi Lietuva spokeswoman Giedrė Bielskytė also said the chain was removing all Mars products until more is known.
Meanwhile other chains, like IKI, said they were only taking out affected Snickers bars.
Mars Lietuva said on Wednesday it was recalling Snickers chocolates with expiration dates between July 10 and August 14, 2016.
Mars, head-quartered in the US, has recalled Mars, Snickers and Milky Way chocolate bars produced in its Netherlands-based factory after a piece of plastic was found in one of the products in Germany. The company said it could lead to choking.
Mars Lietuva initially said that none of the affected products had left its warehouses in Lithuania, only to rescind the statement later. The State Food and Veterinary Service said the company was thus misleading customers and would be investigated.
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