Lithuania’s best performance this year is in prices (12th), management practices (21st) and education (22nd), and its worst performance is in international investment (56th), domestic economy and institutional structure (47th).
From a list of 15 indicators, respondents in a survey of business executives selected skilled workforce (81 pct), high educational level (77.6 pct), reliable infrastructure and competitiveness of costs (63.8 pct) as the country’s “key attractiveness indicators”.
Latvia dropped three places to 40th in this year’s ranking and Estonia climbed one point to number 30. Hong Kong and Switzerland remained at the top of the ranking.
Lithuania was first included in the ranking in 2007.
The IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook measures the performance of countries based on over 300 criteria, using statistical data (2/3) and a business executives’ opinion survey (1/3).
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