DV, Media Day of exercises Thunder Storm 2018, Saber Strike 2018 to be held in Lithuania

The event will be attended by Minister of National Defense Raimundas Karoblis, Chief of Defense Lt Jonas Vytautas Žukas, high-ranking officials and officers of the US and other NATO allies, presence of Speaker of the Lithuanian Seimas Viktoras Pranckietis and members of the parliamentary Committee on National Security and Defense, and other guests is also expected.

Troops will demonstrate a dynamic display at the Urban Warfare facility at the Gen S. Žukauskas Training Area. Later on, the guests will view equipment and weaponry used for the exercise.

Saber Strike 2018 is an exercise organised by the United States European Command to enhance interoperability among participating forces while conducting wide spectrum of military operations. The exercise highlights strengthening interaction among land, naval, and air operational forces, and joint training with NATO enhanced Forward Presence Battalion Groups. The exercise will run on June 3-15 in Lithuania and involve up to 6,600 soldiers.

National exercise Thunder Storm in Lithuania will be running on June 1-15. It involves up to 9 thousand Lithuanian military and civilian personnel. Thunder Storm will train the Lithuanian Armed Forces to conduct wide spectrum armed state defence operations both on their own and together with NATO allies.

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