
PM favours idea to cut number of Seimas’ members

The number of members of the parliament in Lithuania could be reduced in response to the ongoing shrinking of the population, Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius says. […]

Dainius Žalimas

Proposed Constitutional Court president pledges to step up case hearing

Professor Dainius Žalimas of Vilnius University’s Faculty of Law, proposed by the Lithuanian president for president of the country’s Constitutional Court, pledges to solve the problem of lengthy case hearings. […]

Julius Panka

Land sale ban referendum failed due to bad timing – coordinator

The referendum on a ban of sale of agricultural land to foreigners and legal entities, held in Lithuania on Sunday, has failed due to bad timing, Julius Panka, the coordinator of the referendum’s initiative group, believes. […]


Early voting in land sale referendum kicks off sluggishly

Early voting in the referendum on a ban on sale of agricultural land to foreigners in Lithuania started on Wednesday. Voter turnout is considerably lower than during the recent presidential and EP elections, officials say. […]