“Seeing that the Seimas office cannot purchase a grand piano that would be suitable for the presentable gallery of the Seimas building, the Seimas Culture Committee is asking the public, companies and Lithuanian communities worldwide to help implement the idea of buying one,” reads the letter published on Friday.
According to the letter, the Seimas building boasts active cultural life, with live music performed during the majority of events at the parliament – openings of exhibitions, presentations of publications, celebrations of state anniversaries and other parliamentary events. They involve politicians, foreign ambassadors, official guests, artists and other public figures.
“Unfortunately, many performers cannot properly deliver the artistic content on the piano purchased by the Seimas office a few decades ago, therefore, the representation of Lithuania’s cultural society and the Lithuanian parliament is limited,” reads the letter.
In the committee’s words, a grand piano would be a superb gift for the parliament before significant 100-year anniversaries, namely, restoration of Lithuania’s statehood in 2018 and modern parliamentarism in 2020.
Seimas Vice-Chancellor Antanas Dimaitis says the parliament has never owned a grand piano.
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