While in 1950, after the Second World War and Soviet deportations, Estonia’s population stood at 1.1 million and is currently 1.3 million, the country is expected to lose 184,000 people between now and 2050. At 14 percent, the decrease is the 14th highest in the world. However, Latvia and Lithuania will lose even more people, 19.1 percent and 17.5 percent of their population, respectively.
By the middle of the century, Estonia’s population will be at the same level as 100 years ago, at 1.1 million, and by 2100, just over 900,000, the UN report estimates.
As everywhere in Europe, Estonia’s population is ageing and people live longer. The median age is currently 41.7, but is expected to be 45.9 in 2050 and 47.4 in 2100. Life expectancy at birth is expected to increase from an average of 77 in 2015 to 87 in 2100.
Currently, the average number of children per woman is 1.66. There are significantly more women than men in Estonia – at 84,000, the difference would almost fill the entire city of Tartu.
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