Artūras Zuokas and his Lithuanian Freedom Union are returning to national politics by promising voters happiness.
“You know, I have been studying happiness economy lately and it has two steps. One – economic prosperity, and the other – how a person feels. And they have to go hand in hand with each other. To make our people feel happier, to create their standard of living here, income is a very important thing,” said Zuokas.
The Happiness index and happiness economy may be a new thing in Lithuania, but globally more and more attention is being paid to measuring and improving the happiness of countries populations as a key target of development policies.
The Government of Bhutan even has a national happiness philosophy and was a pioneer in targetting happiness as the key metric of societal development.
However, Zuokas said: “If we want to be happy, today the most important thing for the residents is income, which we have been saying since 2011. We should reach salaries of €1450 before tax by 2020.”
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