The arrangement will be signed by Lithuanian Defence Minister Juozas Olekas, Georgian Economic and Sustainable Development Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili and other representatives of the NATO ENSEC member countries – ambassadors, defence attachés.
Subject matter expert from Georgia will be assigned to the Doctrine and Concept Development Division.
The centre already includes experts from Estonia, France, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania and Turkey. The United Kingdom is expected to join the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence before the end of this year.
Established in July 2012, the Vilnius-based NATO centre was granted the status of the international military in October 2012. It has been headed by Colonel Gintaras Bagdonas since last August.
The NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence analyses military energy efficiency and security along with aspects of critical protection of the energy infrastructure. The centre’s staff also provide recommendations and proposals on operational energy security, application of alternative energy sources in the military and development of environment-friendly and efficient military capacities. The centre organizes and attends training and exercises.
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