Germany donates some 50 digital documents to Lithuanian archives

VDU profesorius Liudas Mažylis šiandien Ambasadoje Berlyne pirmą kartą rodo Vokietijos URM diplomatiniame archyve aptikto Vasario 16 akto nuotraukas

“This is a certain portion from that period I have brought — 52 digital files. These are documents from the dawn of our modern state, including the original hand-written copy of the resolution that asks for recognition of Lithuania’s independence,” Foreign Minister Linas Linkevicius said as he handed the set over to the archives during the inauguration of the new building.

“There are more documents. This is a great gift for the archives and for Lithuania. This gesture shows how nice our cooperation is,” he said.

The Council of Lithuania’s resolution proclaiming the restoration of an independent state of Lithuania with Vilnius as its capital, written by hand in Lithuanian and German and with 20 signatures on it, was found in Berlin’s diplomatic archive in late March.

Linkevicius said that he was making efforts for the original copy of the resolution to be handed over to Lithuania at least for temporary display.

Ramojus Kraujelis, the chief archivist of Lithuania, said that representatives of the German Foreign Ministry’s political archives had allowed them to make the 52 digital documents available to the public at the archives, but asked them not to publish these documents online.

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