Lietuvos policija sulaikė vieną didžiausių šalies istorijoje narkotikų siuntų

Police seize 0.5 tons of hashish

Law-enforcement officials have seized more than half a ton of hashish, worth an estimated 5 million euros, and detained eight suspects in an operation. […]

Culture Minister Liana Ruokytė-Jonsson and Diana Stomienė

Monument to pioneers of reformation, Lithuanian writing planned in Vilnius

A monument to pioneers of reformation and Lithuanian writing is planned in Vilnius. […]

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Foreign affairs

Parliament declares Belarus’ N-plant a threat to national security

The parliament has decided that Belarus’ nuclear power plant under construction in Astravyets, a mere 50 kilometers from Vilnius, is unsafe and poses a threat to national security, environment and public health. […]

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New alcohol related prohibitions looming in Seimas

The Seimas is looking at passing further restrictions linked to alcohol. The Healthcare Committee discussed the so called alcohol “bambaliai” [large plastic bottles of cheap beverages] on Tuesday. According to Vilnius Addiction Illness Centre deputy […]