It was projected to collect LTL 11.337 billion (EUR 3.283 billion) in revenue.
Forecasts had it that in January-June the state budget will collect LTL 9.431 billion (EUR 2.731 billion), whereas in fact it took in LTL 9.450 billion (EUR 2.736 billion), i.e. 0.2 percent (LTL 18.7 million or EUR 5.4 million) more than planned and 9.8 percent more compared to the same period last year.
In January-June excise tax collections amounted to LTL 1.721 billion (EUR 498 million), i.e. by LTL 144 million (EUR 42 million) more than projected and by LTL 199 million (EUR 58 million) or 13.1 percent more year-on-year.
Most revenue in the first half of 2014 came from value added tax, LTL 4.856 billion (EUR 1.406 billion), i.e. by 8.2 percent or LTL 366 million (EUR 106 million) more year-on-year but by LTL 83 million (EUR 24 million) or 1.7 percent less than projected.
Revenue from corporate tax within January-June amounted to LTL 1.088 billion (EUR 315 million), i.e. by LTL 3.2 million (EUR 926 thousand) more than projected and by LTL 685 million (EUR 198 million) or 69.8 percent more compared to January-June 2013.
Revenue from personal income tax in the first six months amounted to LTL 2.173 billion (EUR 629 million), i.e. by LTL 28 million (EUR 8 million) more than projected this year and by LTL 78 million (EUR 23 million) or 3.7 percent more year-on-year and.
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