“This is a huge leap ahead in the enhancement of regional cooperation. Our joining concrete NORDEFCO projects will help saving up and generating new capabilities efficiently,” Defence Policy Director of the Ministry of National Defence Vaidotas Urbelis said at the meeting. The specific projects for Lithuania to participate in are to be selected before the Nordic-Baltic defence ministers meeting which will take place on 12 November, the Defence Ministry said in a press release.
The defence policy directors agreed to continue developing the Nordic-Baltic Capacity Building Initiative. It is aimed at having training defence and military planning specialist teams which could be used for training and advising military institutions of other countries in reform implementation and in ensuring efficient control over armed forces.
“Ukraine and Georgia are countries in need of urgent help from us, therefore I have invited my counterparts to consider a wider involvement of specialists from our regions in these countries,” Urbelis said.
The meeting also addressed the security situations in the Baltic region and Ukraine, further cooperation in the regions of operations, and deployment of the Nordic Battle Group in 2015.
The participating countries also underscored that the decisions taken by the NATO Summit in Wales needed to be put in to practice by strengthening eastern NATO borders.
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