Lithuanian Diplomacy Star awarded to Kazickas Family Foundation

Jūratė Kazickaitė
DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

Foreign Vice-Minister Mantvydas Bekešius conferred the award to the daughter of the foundation’s founder, board chairwoman Jūratė Kazickaitė.

Established in New York, US, in 1998, the Kazickas Family Foundation opened a branch in Vilnius. The foundation was set up by Lithuanian-American Juozas Petras Kazickas, Yale University doctor of economic sciences, honorary doctor of the Kaunas University of Technology, businessman and philanthropist.

From the start of its operations, the foundation has been focusing on education, supporting cultural, health protection, religious and charity organizations. The foundation’s main objective is to strengthen the statehood of Lithuania, foster Lithuanian values and the Lithuanian language and preserve human values, the Foreign Ministry said in a press release.

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