Lithuanian MP suggests returning military training to school curriculum

Artūras Paulauskas
DELFI / Valdas Kopūstas

“As a matter of fact, the threat exists and we have to prepare our youngsters. I can imagine that we should revise [military] training and return it to schools, so that elder students could at least understand what a weapon is, how it fires and how it is used,” he told journalists after the committee’s meeting on Tuesday.

“Now, high school graduates and university students have no [military] training. The volunteers that we have and the riflemen are few in numbers. Therefore, I think this has to be revised, so that the majority of students receive the initial military training, which could be extended later, but they should get the initial training,” said Paulauskas.

He also proposed returning mandatory military service, at least on a temporary basis.

“I think we will go back to the discussions of mandatory military service. Speaking about the army’s marginal numbers that we have submitted to parliament, not all units are full, and this has been the case for years, the mandatory service may help us fill [the empty slots] for at least the period of threats,” Paulauskas added.

Asked whether he will proposed amendments on initial military training in schools, the head of the committee has said there should first be a discussion on the issue.

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