“We confirmed out plans to establish the Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian brigade as soon as possible. We hope that not only the command centers will be established but the first exercises will be held in the fall,” the minister told journalists.
The agreement on the establishment of the trilateral brigade was signed last September and is in the process of ratification.
According to Siemoniak, the joint brigade will help to reform the Ukrainian army and bring it closer to NATO standards.
The Lithuanian Defence Minister, Juozas Olekas, said it would send six troops to the brigade’s headquarters in the Polish city of Lublin. In his words, the brigade will hold training events in all three countries.
Olekas also pledged support to Poland‘s wish to strengthen the Szczecin-based NATO Multinational Corps Northeast, and also informed about Lithuania’s plans to increase the number of its troops at this headquarters to 10 as early as this year.
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