On 1 January, residents of Lithuania totalled 2.921 million, which indicates a decrease of 21,600 since the beginning of 2013, the Statistics Department said quoting preliminary data.
According to the press release, the curve of population decrease is ascending. The country lost 28,400 residents over 2013 and 31,700 over 2012. The year 2010 was the worst – 89,300 residents then passed away or left Lithuania.
Moreover, the number of deaths exceeded the number of births in 2014 by 8,900, as compared with 11,600 in 2013.
Last year, 31,300 babies were born in Lithuania and 40,200 persons passed away. Some 22,100 marriages and 9,800 divorces were registered in 2014.
Repatriation on increase
Some 21,000 Lithuanian citizens returned from emigration last year, up by a tenth from 2013, even though the number of emigrants is still above immigration figures.
According to the press release by Statistics Lithuania, 25,900 persons immigrated in Lithuania in 2014, indicating a rise by 3,800 year-on-year. The number of emigrants was 38,500, down by a few hundred from the year before.
The department said the gap between emigration and immigration has been narrowing since 2010, when the number of emigrants was 77,000 higher than that of immigrants. The figure was 38,000 in 2011 and 21,000 in 2012.
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