Lithuanian president sees no major changes in govt’s tax reform


Lina Antanavičienė, the president’s chief adviser, says that, in Grybauskaitė’s opinion, the adopted proposals do not represent radical changes, but may help improve the situation of people on the lowest income.

“The president does not regard these legislative amendments as a reform. They do not contain any radical changes. These are more technical changes. Perhaps we can call them tax adjustments,” the website quoted the advisor as saying.

“The legislative adjustments may help reduce the tax burden on people. The reduction should benefit most people on the lowest income,” Antanavičienė said.

“The emphasis should be on the implementation (of these laws),” she added.

The tax reform, among other things, provides for consolidating labor-related taxes on their employee side, introducing two personal income tax rates, of 20 percent and 27 percent, and increasing the tax-free income threshold and broadening its application.

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