Lithuanian, American and Polish troops, 1,300 soldiers in total, are showcasing their skills and ability to coordinate actions at the military exercise hosted by Lithuania, Strong Hussar 2016.
The exercise will be held at Gaižiūnai training ground between 17 and 26 August.
The main objective of the exercise is to evaluate the skills King Mindaugas hussars and Grand Duchess Birutė Uhlan battalions troops on the battlefield, acting jointly with the allies.
According to the organizers, the exercise is unique in that as many as three mandatory initial military service soldier companies and one reserve company take part in it.
1,300 soldiers are to be participants in the exercise.
“Initial mandatory military service soldiers who are ending their service have to use all their tactical skills in the exercise Strong Hussar 2016, use tanks so that enemy would not have any chance to achieve its objective. Reserve soldiers must learn to interact with foreign partners, remember tactical tricks and use them on the battlefield. The foundation element is the constant interaction with foreign partners,” said the leader of brigade Iron Wolf Colonel Mindaugas Steponavičius.
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