Lithuania’s electricity prices spike

DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

The price of electricity in Lithuania‘s Nord Pool Spot area jumped 23% in June but was still down 5% on the same month in 2015 according to Litgrid.

The average price was €40.50/MWh in June and Litgrid put the month-on-month increase down to the average price in the Lithuanian and Latvian bidding areas rising to €65/MWh in the last week of June.

Lithuania last week imported 62% of its electricity. Just over 40% of electricity imports came from Sweden while around a quarter of electricity imports came from Latvia, Estonia and Finland, with the rest from third countries.

In terms of the use of international interconnnectors, 18% of the interconnection capacity between Lithuania and Latvia was used in the last week with 79% of that between Lithuania and Belarus being used and 82% of the capacity between Lithuania and Sweden.

The interconnector with Poland saw 38% of its capacity used for importing electricity to Poland.

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