Lithuanian MFA’s account @LithuaniaMFA has placed fifth in terms of mutual connections with other accounts of world leaders and most influential institutions, having established a total of mutual 86 connections with peers. The results were revealed in the latest Twiplomacy study conducted by the global public relations and communications firm Burson-Marsteller.
Twiplomacy is a study of the use of Twitter by world leaders. The study analyses their Twitter profiles, their tweet history and their connections with each other.
Lithuania’s MFA tweets on average 8 times a day, half of which are retweets of other politicians and institutions. The most used hashtag used in the ministry’s tweets is #Ukraine. Its most retweeted post is about Ukraine and Lithuania’s mutual support.
Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė has the biggest number of followers on Twitter in Lithuania (@Grybauskaite_LT) – over 65,800. Member of the European Parliament Antanas Guoga (@TonyGuoga) has 42,900 followers. Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius (@LinkeviciusL) has 29,700 followers. Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius (@AButkevicius) has only over 3,000 followers on Twitter.
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