Lithuania’s opposition collects signatures for environmin’s interpellation

Kęstutis Navickas
DELFI / Karolina Pansevič

“We say that the minister should be dismissed due to alleged protection of his former employer, inability to resolve waste and packaging management problems and failure to prepare for and implement the forest reform,” Juozas Olekas, elder of the Social Democratic Party of Lithuania‘s political group in the Seimas, said in a statement.

The Social Democrats initiated the interpellation and collected 34 signatures, with at least 29 necessary for an interpellation to move forward.

Upon receipt of an interpellation, a Cabinet member must provide answers no later than over the next two weeks, which will be later discussed by the parliament and followed by a vote. If there’s a proposal to reject the minister’s answers and there’s a motion of no-confidence against him, at least 71 lawmakers must back it for the proposal to be go through.

The interpellation text included questions on the control of waste management, tenders won by the minister’s former employer Baltijos Aplinkos Forumas and wages at forestries following their reform.

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