Most Russians want stability, not reforms, poll suggests

A total of 21 percent of respondents said that making radical reforms was the most important task now; 43 percent believe that the Russian authorities have been ensuring stability, but 25 percent said that the authorities have concentrated on effective reforms; 32 percent were undecided.

A presumption that stability has been recently ensured in Russia was confirmed by 31 percent of the population polled; but 57 percent challenged the idea, saying stability did not exist in Russia yet. Twelve percent were undecided.

An idea that Russia has plunged into an epoch of stagnation was voiced by 34 percent of the respondents, but half of them unanimously declared that there was no stagnation in this country. Around 16 percent said they did not perceive neither stagnation nor development.

Much fewer citizens now believe there is stability in the country, while in June 2013 the number of respondents who said that Russia had entered a period of stability was 41 percent against 49 percent who disagreed.

The FOM pollster interviewed 1,500 respondents in 100 settlements in 43 regions of the Russian Federation on March 28-29.

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