Lithuania had decided who is going to rule it for another four years. The results of Sunday’s parliament election 2020 runoff show the new parliament will have representatives from ten political parties, as well as four lawmakers who ran for parliament independently.
The Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats – 50 mandates
The Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union– 32 mandates
The Liberal Movement – 13 mandates
The Social Democratic Party of Lithuania – 13 mandates
The Freedom Party – 11 mandates
The Labour Party – 10 mandates
The Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Christian Families Alliance – 3 mandates
The Social Democratic Labour Party of Lithuania – 3 mandates
The Freedom and Justice Party – 1 mandate
The Lithuanian Green Party– 1 mandate
Independents – 4 mandates
There are 141 seats in the Seimas of Lithuania, the centre-right political parties such as The Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats, the Liberal Movement and the Freedom Party have more than a half of the mandates (74 for so far, and they could add one more mandate still) and have a priority initiative to form a Government.

The three parties’ leaders issued a joined declaration a few hours after the results firmly indicated their lead saying that: “We are determined to join our effort to restore trust within the state and among its people and form a coalition and government led by Ingrida Šimonytė.” Šimonytė is a former Presidential candidate and former Minister of Finance, who led the Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats election
The former Lithuanian President Dalia Grybausaitė called the outcome of the parliamentary election as “the best thing that could have happened to Lithuania at this difficult time”. “We voted for the future, leaving the policy of revenge, lies, revenge and bans in the past,” Grybauskaitė posted on Facebook. “The three parties were led to victory by women. Women are not afraid to take responsibility in difficult times.”
Grybauskaitė also added that “a new generation of politicians has come” and expects the new parliament to bring in a new political culture of cooperation and listening to others. “And, of course, more decency. Fewer populist promises and more useful work,” she wrote in her Facebook post today.
Voter turnout during the Lithuanian parliament election 2020 runoff stood at 39.7 per cent and the number of voters who went to the polls was lower than during the first round of voting two weeks ago but higher than during the 2016 Seimas election’s runoff.
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