“First of all, all this story is the responsibility of the leadership of one of the main ruling parties, and the story is already starting to discredit the party itself, therefore, transparent answers should be provided to the public without. Especially since publicity and transparency requirements to public figures are even higher,” the president told journalists in Zarasai, eastern Lithuania, on Thursday.
The recording of her statement was published by her press service.
MP Greta Kildišienė, deputy to LPGU leader Ramūnas Karbauskis, drives a Range Rover cross-country vehicle that belongs to Agrokoncernas company operated by Karbauskis. The vehicle is being leased by Kildišienė’s mother.
According to details of the contract published by delfi.lt news portal, the final price of the car, including taxes, was 47,000 euros. Kildišienė’s mother had paid 16,000 euros for the car, including a downpayment of 5,000 euros transferred last February and monthly payments of 1,000 euros since last January.
Agrokoncernas’ lawyer Evaldas Valčiukas said the leasing contract had already been terminated.
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