Standstill grips Lithuanian popularity survey

At the Seimas
DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

According to the results of the poll carried out by Spinter Tyrimai (Spinter Surveys) company on September 19-28, the changes were within the margin error or 3.1 percent.

Over the past month, support to the conservative Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats rose from 16.3 percent to 17 percent, while backing to the LFGU was up from 15.9 percent to 16.6 percent, the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party fell from 11.3 percent to 9.1 percent and the Liberal Movement dropped from 6.8 percent to 5.7 percent. Other parties ranked below the 5-percent threshold required to win parliamentary mandates.

The list of the best-suited candidates for prime minister is topped by incumbent head of the government, Saulius Skvernelis, with support up from 23 to 24.2 percent, followed by the conservatives’ leader Gabrielius Landsbergis (up from 7.8 pct to 9.8 p ct).

The biggest positive change among personalities was found in the support to Social Democratic MEP Vilija Blinkevičiutė who saw a rise in support from 4.2 percent to 6.8 percent.

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