“This is one of the government’s reforms and it will be done anyway. This should not be linked to confidence in the government. The government will continue to work. Some may want otherwise, but I see no grounds for it not to work,” he said on LRT Radio.
Skvernelis believes that a decision on the forest management overhaul should be made this week.
“I think we must bring this to a conclusion. We have to make a decision, either positive or negative. We can’t keep the wood sector in limbo,” he said.
Viktoras Pranckietis, the speaker of the Seimas, has said that the reform bill will be put to a vote before the end of the Seimas’ extended spring session.
The government-approved reform plan calls for streamlining the management of state forests by merging the country’s 42 forestry enterprises into a single state enterprise named Lietuvos Valstybiniai Miškai (Lithuanian State Forests).
Is estimated that the measure will help save 10 million euros in the company’s funds and up to 3 million euros in state budget money annually.
The Foresters’ Trade Union says that all forestry enterprises should keep their status of separate legal entities and calls for staring the sector’s reform with minor changes.
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