The annual security and foreign policy forum, The Rīga Conference 2022, will take place on October 21 – 22. Additional special events and discussions will be held on 20th October. This year the event will gather 517 participants from 38 countries, both in-person and online, at the National Library of Latvia.
Its participants will have the opportunity to hear from the Assistant Secretary General of NATO, for Public Diplomacy Baiba Braže; Executive Vice-President of the European Commission for An Economy that Works for People Valdis Dombrovskis; and the Head of Policy Planning for the NATO Secretary General, Prof. Benedetta Berti. The President of the Republic of Latvia, H.E. Egils Levits, and the Former Minister for Foreign Affairs for Sweden, Carl Bildt, will open the Conference. The event will be broadcast live on www.rigaconference.lv, by 35 informative partners and on social media platforms.
On October 20, notable side events will be held in the National Library of Latvia on topics that have been active in the public discourse this year. The side events will be streamed online in English on The Rīga Conference 2022 official website https://rigaconference.lv/ and the Facebook page of the Latvian Transatlantic Organisation.
The side events are open on-site free of charge for public participation and for registered conference participants:
The conference’s main events will be on 21 and 22 October and will be accessible only for registered delegates and accredited media representatives with specially issued badges.
Attention, participants and media!
Please arrive in time to obtain your badge tomorrow. Registration begins tomorrow at 9:00.
The Rīga Conference working language is English, but it will be streamed in Latvian, and following the request of our media partners and several Ukrainian information partners – parts of the Conference will be in Russian.
You can always access the live stream on The Rīga Conference 2022 homepage (https://rigaconference.lv/) and the Facebook page of the Latvian Transatlantic Organisation. The Conference will be streamed with the support of the largest Latvian news channels, including Latvian Television, LMT Straume, TV3 Latvija, DELFI, TVNET, LSM, RETV followed by other national as well as international news agencies worldwide.
For the full programme of The Rīga Conference 2022, please visit https://riga conference.lv/agenda/.
The Rīga Conference is organised jointly by the Latvian Transatlantic Organisation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia, and the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia in close cooperation with the NATO Public Diplomacy Division and Konrad Adenauer Foundation in the Baltic States. Microsoft supports the conference, the Embassy of Canada in Latvia, the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany to Latvia, the United States Embassy in Latvia, NAMMO, LMT, the Embassy of Israel in Latvia, the Embassy of Spain in Latvia, Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Latvia, AUDI Latvija, Riga International Airport, Embassy of Turkey to Latvia, Swedbank, Investment and Development Agency of Latvia and Magnetic Latvia, Live Riga, Boston Global Forum, Michael Dukakis Institute for Leadership and Innovation and AIWS.net.
Other contributions to the conference have been made by BALTA, Canelle, Mario and Skriveri Sweets.
We are grateful to our longtime partner and venue provider – the National Library of Latvia.
Informative support for The Rīga Conference has been confirmed by Latvian Television, Latvian Radio, LSM.LV, LMT Straume, tv3.lv, GO3 Latvija, RE TV, DELFI, TVNET, LETA, IR, Latviesi.com Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Lithuania Tribune, Hromadske International, Hype&Hyper, Belarus Security Blog, NATO Association of Canada, Macdonald-Laurier Institute, RGSL, Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Latvia, Youth Atlantic Treaty Association, Espreso.tv, New Eastern Europe, Current Time, Spektr, iPress, Suomen Sotilas, Est Curier, “Vchasno”, Visegrad Insight, Atlantic Council, Postimees, Baltic to Black Sea Alliance and The Ukrainian Week.
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