Algirdas Sysas

Sysas: Grybauskaitė overstepped her bounds on “blacklist” issue

Deputy Seimas Speaker Algirdas Sysas thinks that President Dalia Grybauskaitė has overstepped her bounds by dictating her own conditions to the Government. […]

Virginija Būdienė and President Dalia Grybauskaitė

Presidential adviser: Lithuania won from deputy ministers’ blacklist story

Virginija Būdienė, Senior Advisor to the President on Education, Science, Culture and Non-Governmental Organisations, has noted that there are no winners or losers in the deputy ministers’ “blacklist” story. She welcomed the resolve of the coalition to cleanse itself of deputy ministers whose reputations were short of impeccable. […]

Vigilijus Jukna

I trust Minister of Agriculture – Lithuanian PM

Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius placed his trust in Minister of Agriculture Vigilijus Jukna, of whom President Dalia Grybauskaitė had demanded responsibility for the transparency of his subordinates. […]

Algirdas Butkevičius

Lithuanian PM says making “blacklist” public is mistake

Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius says that making the so called blacklist of deputy ministers public has been a mistake, as it may impede further investigation. According to the head of the Cabinet, decisions on deputy minister will be made by ministers, their immediate superiors. […]