
Lithuanian universities launch Health Informatics program
With the rapid progress of science and technology, and the increasing demands of top employers for specialists with knowledge in a range of fields, traditional degree programs are being expanded and diversified. It is with this in mind that Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) and the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) have announced the launch of Lithuania’s first ever Health Informatics degree program. […]

Lithuanian students invited to apply for internship with NASA
Lithuania’s Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA) has launched a competition for students to complete an internship with NASA Ames Research Centre in the United States and is now accepting applications. […]

US professor appointed to head Belarusian university in Vilnius
Professor David Pollick from the United States has been appointed as rector of the European Humanities University, a Vilnius-based Belarusian school. […]

Vilnius University inaugurates new rector
Physics professor Artūras Žukauskas was inaugurated as the new rector of Lithuania’s oldest education institution, Vilnius University, at a ceremony on Wednesday. […]

Lithuanian schools to hold lesson on national security
The first lesson of national security will be held in schools across Lithuania on Friday. […]

Vilnius University elects new rector
Professor Artūras Žukauskas, head of the Semiconductor Optoelectronics at Vilnius University‘s Institute of Applied Research, has been elected rector of Vilnius University for a five-year term. […]

PM congratulates Jewish gymnasium students on Lithuania’s independence
On Monday, Lithuanian Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius visited Vilnius Sholom Aleichem ORT Gymnasium and met with its community. The prime minister was shown around the renovated building which will accommodate 350 students as of this September. The Government contributed to the renovation from the State Capital Investment funds. […]

Lithuania considers introducing military education at school
Elective military education classes should be introduced in Lithuanian schools next year, the country’s Education and Science Minister Dainius Pavalkis says. […]

Seven Ukrainian kids to come to Lithuania to finish academic year
Seven Ukrainian children from the war-ridden areas of Luhansk and Donetsk accompanied by a teacher should come to Lithuania later in February to finish the academic year here, the Lithuanian government said in the cover letter of a resolution. […]

Lithuania discusses future of Belarusian university-in-exile
On 30 January, at a meeting in Vilnius, Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Linas Linkevičius urged representatives of all governing bodies of the European Humanities University (EHU) to unite for a common goal, ensure smooth operations of the university, and meet its commitments to the students, the Belarusian society and international donor community, Lithuania’s MFA said. […]

Manual on what to do in case of war distributed to Lithuanian schools
A manual prepared by the Lithuanian Ministry of National Defence on what to do in case of war and accidents is to be distributed to school libraries across the country. […]

KTU Executive School: Tailor-made competences for business
Every businessperson in his of her life has encountered a situation when they need to upgrade their competence package. However, usually there is no time for proper studies, and the quality of available lectures by individual speakers is often compromised. Lauri Koponen, Head of KTU Executive School says that business breakfast, popular in Scandinavian countries, is a good solution for this problem. […]

Russian government wants to monitor students’ contacts with EU diplomats
Russia‘s Education and Science Ministry wants to be informed about the meetings of university students with the staff of the European Union (EU) Mission to Russia, which is headed by Lithuania’s former foreign minister Vygaudas Ušackas, Russian media said on Wednesday. […]

Vilnius University in Top 50 of regional QS world university ranking
QS World University Rankings has published a list of the best universities in the region of emerging Europe and central Asia. Vilnius University (VU) made it to the top 50, ranking in the 32nd place. One more Lithuanian institution, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, ranks slightly lower, in the 47th spot, VU reports. […]

Lithuania’s education minister urges universities to tighten admission requirements
The Ministry of Education and Science has addressed higher education institutions urging to announce the lowest passing entrance scores in 2015. The necessity to establish admission threshold is provided for in the Law on Higher Education and Research. […]

Lithuania’s ruling coalition talks education and healthcare reforms
In 2015, Lithuania’s ruling coalition is planning reforms in the areas of science and education as well as healthcare areas, according to Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius. […]

President Grybauskaitė invites Lithuanians to join remembrance campaign
Over 1,500 Lithuanian schools, state institutions and organisations have responded to the invitation by the International Commission for the Evaluation of the Crimes of the Nazi and Soviet Occupation Regimes in Lithuania and President Dalia Grybauskaitė, who is a patron of the initiative, to participate in the civic campaign Memory is Alive Through Testimony, which is dedicated to the Day of Freedom Defenders. […]

Lithuanian PM welcomes decision on private kindergartens
Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius has welcomed the decision of Kaunas District Municipality to support parents whose children attend private kindergartens. The prime minister called the decision “beneficial to young families, the municipality and the state”. […]