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‘There is no institution like the Vatican in Islam that can excommunicate extremist Muslims’

There were some 13 million Muslims living in Europe several years ago, according to Pew Research Center, and several more million have come from Syria and Iraq over the last few years. Professor Egdūnas Račius of the Kaunas-based Vytautas Magnus University says that religion is not always the right lens through which to look at and make sense of the world’s Muslims. […]

Dalia Grybauskaitė, Mahmoud Abbas
Foreign affairs

Could Lithuania mediate in Israeli-Palestinian peace talks?

During a meeting with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė stressed the need for Israelis and Palestinians to go back to peace talks. She also hinted that Lithuania could serve as a broker in the negotiations. However, with Lithuania’s record of supporting Israel and opposing any Palestinian moves to establish themselves in the international community, Vilnius would not be a likely choice for a mediator, a political scientist says. […]