
Bank of Lithuania kicks off frontloading euro cash to commercial banks

The first batch of the Lithuanian euro coins left the vault of the Bank of Lithuania on 6 October. It is designated to one commercial bank, which was the first to take 2-euro coins for EUR 45,000, the central bank said in a statement on Monday. […]

Finnish–Lithuanian Trade Association panel discussion
Global LT

Finnish–Lithuanian Trade Association turns 20

The Finnish–Lithuanian Trade Association celebrated its 20th anniversary of activities on 23 September 2014. […]


Eurobus starts tour across Lithuania to inform people about euro adoption

On Sunday, the Eurobus was seen off from Vilnius and started touring across Lithuania’s cities and towns. Over the course of a little over two months, it will visit all 60 municipalities, three events will be held in each one. The purpose of the campaign is to better inform people about the adoption of the euro. […]

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First shipment of Lithuanian euro coins delivered to central bank’s vaults

The first batch of Lithuanian euro coins are being delivered to the Bank of Lithuania‘s vault in Vilnius. On 1 January 2015, they will be released into circulation. The total amount of coins necessary for the euro adoption and to ensure reserves is about 370 million units; their weight – 1,740 tons, says the Bank of Lithuania in a statement. […]