The Devil's Bride by Arūnas Žebriūnas_Photo by Rimvydas Strikauskas, from the archive of The Lithuanian Theatre, Music and Cinema Museum

Baltic Films and Symposium on Baltic Cinema at goEast Festival in Germany

In April, for a whole week the German city of Wiesbaden becomes a meeting point and a promotion platform for Central and Eastern European film and filmmakers. The 18th goEast festival, which kicked off yesterday, is shining a spotlight on the Baltic States with a symposium, “Hybrid Identities – Baltic Cinema”, dedicated to the national cinemas of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, their histories, pursuits of national and cultural identities. The festival’s programme also includes some of the key recent titles of Baltic cinema. The project is part of a wide-ranging tripartite programme with which the Baltic States present their cinemas to Europe on the occasion of their centenary of statehood. […]

Lithuanian film retrospective in Paris

Extensive Lithuanian film retrospective in Paris inaugurated year-long celebration of statehood restoration centenary

The Cinémathèque Française in Paris is hosting one of the biggest projects presenting Lithuania’s national cinema, a two-week long film retrospective which opened yesterday. It also marks the launch of a cycle of events in France to celebrate the centenary of the restoration of Lithuania’s statehood. The French cinema-going public will have the chance to explore the most extensive programme of Lithuanian film put together in recent years, covering several generations of filmmakers and a variety of genres and styles, Lithuanian Film Centre announced in its press release. […]