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Tenuous immigration agreement between EU and Turkey

After two days of negotiations, Turkey and the European Union reached a compromise agreement on a plan to reduce the flow of migrants from the Middle East to Europe. At a summit concluding March 18, the heads of government of the 28 EU members and their Turkish counterparts approved the plan, which should take effect March 20. While the deal could help reduce the number of migrants arriving in Europe, questions remain about the signatories’ ability and commitment to fully enforce it. […]


Will the Baltic States become the next migrant gateway?

After the European Union cut off migrant routes via Libya to Italy and agreed with Turkey to stem migrant flows across the Aegean to Greece, the Baltic States fear that migrants from the Middle East might discover new routes via Russia, making them their gateway to the European Union. […]

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Refugees yet to discover route into EU via Lithuania, says border guard service

Lithuanian border guards have already detained a range of illegal immigrants from Syria and Lebanon but the path into the EU through Lithuania is still relatively undiscovered according to Dainius Dautartas, a Major in the State Border Guard Service Major. […]

European Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis
European Union

EU Commissioner attacks Lithuanian politicians for turning immigration into election issue

Lithuanians should show their support for the EU not just in relation to EU investments in energy projects in Lithuania but also in helping other EU member states to solve the refugee crisis, says Vytenis Andriukaitis, the EU Health and Food Safety Commissioner. […]