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Putin’s middle class is fleeing to Latvia

Vitaly Mansky, a Russian documentary filmmaker, knows exactly when he decided to establish a bolthole outside the Russian Federation. It was the spring of 2014, and Mansky was in Spain for a film festival, watching news in his hotel room. An anchor at one of the Kremlin-controlled news stations reported that Russia’s parliament had allowed President Vladimir Putin to use the army to protect his compatriots in other countries. In other words, they had legalized the annexation of Crimea and provided support for pro-Russian combatants in Eastern Ukraine. […]

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European Union

Lithuanian president: All eurozone countries must be financially disciplined

Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė, who took part in an informal meeting of the European Council on Thursday, says that all member-states of the eurozone must carry out a responsible fiscal and economic policy and Greece is no exception. […]

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European Union

Lithuanian politicians not worried for eurozone after euro-sceptics triumph in Greek elections

After the far-left Syriza party won Greek parliamentary elections, Lithuanian parliamentarians say they do not expect major changes in Europe, as politicians tend to mollify their stance after coming to power. […]

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European Union

Greek euro exit would have no major impact on Lithuania, says central bank governor

Amid increasing speculation that Greece might exit the euro zone, the governor of the central bank of Lithuania, which has just adopted the single currency, says that a Greek withdrawal would have no major impact on Lithuania. […]