Japanese Ambassador Shigeeda, Japanese Embassy Vilnius     Photo Ludo Segers
Foreign affairs

Japan’s man in Lithuania. Interview with Japanese ambassador in Vilnius

We meet Japanese Ambassador Toyoei Shigeeda in his office. On the little table next to him, there are first-day stamp souvenirs of Lithuania’s most famous Japanese, Chiune Sugihara. The Embassy is located on Čiurlionio Street in Vilnius, named after the famous Lithuanian composer and painter. Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis is particularly appreciated in Japan for his mystical paintings. […]

Algirdas Butkevičius

Hitachi still interested in nuclear plant in Lithuania, Grybauskaitė says

Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė has met the Hitachi executive in Davos and says the Japanese energy company is still interested in the Visaginas nuclear power plant project in Lithuania and investments into Lithuania’s other economic sectors. […]

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Hitachi says all Baltic states must join Visaginas NPP project for it to work

Japan’s Hitachi says the memorandum signed with Lithuania is a good first step towards building a nuclear power plant, but the project is a regional one, therefore it is of crucial that other partners join in as well. […]