Suspected Russian operation on the Lithuanian shore

What could Russians have been doing on Lithuanian shores?

Russian OMRP Spetsnaz units may have landed on the coast of Juodkrantė two years ago. This suggestion by the chairman of the parliamentary National Security and Defence Committee Artūras Paulauskas, has caused considerable turmoil and concern. […]

A Lithuanian military conscript

Why did a third of military conscripts fail their medical examinations?

In 2015, about a third of conscripts did not pass their military medical examinations. Why were a third of the conscripts turned away from the military, and is it possible to fool the military medical examination commission? […]


US military officer arrested for DUI in Šiauliai

Police officers arrested a US military captain for driving a car while under the influence in Šiauliai. The US officer who is overseeing US military equipment at the protected Lithuanian army base in Mumaičiai was caught early Saturday morning with a 1.75 Blood Alcohol Level. […]