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Government Hour in the Seimas

Some SocDem ministerial officials resign, others stay on

In the wake of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) Council’s decision to withdraw from the ruling coalition, some of the party’s members in high-ranking ministerial positions have handed in their resignations, but others have opted to stay in their posts. […]

Indrė Makaraitytė

I. Makaraitytė. What of S. Skvernelis when funding is unabashedly stolen?

Yes, the holidays are still on, social media is still dominated by sand dunes, sunsets and pickles, but matters are being dealt with. Very serious matters. When the “Farmers” feel cornered because reforms are not […]

Milda Vainiutė

Lithuania, Kazakhstan to sign deal on handover of convicts

Lithuania and Kazakhstan will sign an agreement on handover of convicted and jailed persons in Vilnius on Monday. […]